Sunday, March 19, 2006

Problems reaching this blog?

A reader reports that when he attempts to access, the page is frequently "down" (not accessible). (And that this is a problem with Blogspot-hosted blogs.)

Is anyone else having difficulting loading this blog? If so, please email me or leave a comment below. Please include the browser (and version) or news reader (and version) you are using when you encounter the problem.

Also, if there is a problem with the blog being down, please let me know if it is recent. Blogger/Blogspot has had a problem with a particular server this past week, and it's possible that The Mysterious Traveler Sets Out is on that server.

Thanks for your feedback and patience!


  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    You have two (2) "comments" links in your blog. It's a little confusing. Are they different? Is one the "right" one and the other "wrong?" One has never worked for me. The other is the standard blogspot thing and works fine.

    I've occasionally had trouble reaching blogspot blogs, but this has not been linked to any particular blog. These problems have always been transient for me. Usually, hitting reload will do the trick, but sometimes I have to wait a few minutes. Those times I just go do something else for a while and check later.

  2. Anonymous8:18 PM

    It hasn't happened for some time, but there are regular occurrances where the site is down, for a half hour or more.

  3. No , it is working right. This happen only once out of 5 times I visited the blog. This may be sever hosting issues, as it can be slow down some time.
