In celebration of the 2-year anniversary of The Mysterious Traveler Sets Out, here is a meme about posessions that I developed based on a "Domains" profile in a recent issue of
The New York Times Magazine.Most treasured object in the house:
What is always with you:
Broken item that you can't part with:
Most recent bargain or yard sale find:
Newest gadget:
Best award:
Most distinctive family heirloom:
Best recent gift received:
Next big purchase:
Most-read book:
Most valuable possession:
The object you most identify with:
If you use this meme, please email me either a copy of your answers or a link to your blog entry.
Here are my responses:
Most treasured object in the house:My computer's hard drive.
What is always with you:My glasses. I don't think I've ever left the house without them. (I certainly wouldn't get very far.)
Broken item that you can't part with: The red and blue quilt I made for myself in college. Some of the material is too worn to wash, so I can't use the quilt. But I can't get rid of it, either.
Most recent bargain or yard sale find:A Northwest Indian-motif green glass paperweight.
Newest gadget:iPod shuffle. It was a gift from my employer.
Best award:Framed poster of an Apple "LP" commemorating the 1,000,000th download at the iTunes Music Store. (I was on the Music Store launch team.)
Most distinctive family heirloom:An antique wooden spelling toy that my father used as a child.
Best recent gift received:Silver earrings my mother bought for me at the Folklife Festival.
Next big purchase:Some sort of hutch/buffet for our dining room.
Most-read book:The Bone is Pointed, by Arthur Upfield. I read through Upfield's Napoleon Bonaparte detective series every two or three years.
The Bone is Pointed is one of my favorites.
Most valuable possession:My engagement ring.
The object you most identify with:Definitely the iMac!