Nina tells me that the bird whose photo I posted on Flickr is...a flicker. Too funny!
Quick update: Started the day at the annual Camp Fire Boys and Girls breakfast at the Westin, then walked over to the Seattle Art Museum to attend Jesse James Garrett's web architecture seminar, The Elements of User Experience. At lunchtime we dashed upstairs for the opening of the museum's Isamu Noguchi scuptural design exhibit. It's a small but dramatic exhibit and the museum has a special exhibit store with Noguchi lamps and furniture reproductions and Noguchi-inspired fountains, dinnerware, jewelry, etc.
I arrived home just in time to take delivery of my vintage patio furniture, which had been electro-painted at New Finishes. The shipment included a stray retro patio chair I'd spotted at the shop and asked them to throw in with my order. Pictures to come soon!
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