Monday, August 22, 2005

Bumper stickers

I came out of the Mandalay Cafe after dinner this evening and found a note on the windshield of my 1990 Honda Civic. It read:

"Love your bumper stickers! I vote we put Vetinari and Shrub in a locked room for a few hours...the first one to reduce the other to a gelatinous blob wins. P.S. I drive a Mac, too."

If this note has you scratching your head, it's because you aren't familiar with Lord Vetinari, the Machiavellian ruler ("Patrician") of the city-state Ankh Morpork in Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. A fan of the Discworld series, and disgusted with the 2004 elections, I designed a limited-edition, very official-looking, red, white and blue bumper sticker that reads "Vetinari for Patrician." That's on my car, along with my Kerry/Edwards sticker and lots of Apple stickers, including "I'd rather be driving a Mac."

It's nice to know that somebody out there understands.


  1. That is fantastic! I don't suppose you'd have any of those stickers you'd be willing to sell?

    1. At least one. Please contact me at

      sorks [at]

  2. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Saw one of those on a 953 license plate in Seattle just now.

    1. I think that was my our gray Fit.
