Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Monday I attended the Golden Tennis Shoe Awards, an unusual luncheon event that is part fundraiser for Senator Patty Murray and part community recognition event for outstanding (but previously unsung) good Samaritans.

Senator Maria Cantwell opened the program, introducing Murray. Unfortunately, Cantwell speaks just like a politician -- with that mind-numbing half shout, half chant that would make a starving Doberman suspicious of someone offering a steak. Murray, on the other hand, speaks like someone resuming a great talk with a roomful of friends. She comes across smart, diplomatic, and respectful of her audience.

Check out the stories about the award winners (currently on Murray's campaign homepage).

After the awards, political humorist Al Franken entertained. His is an odd mix of edgy humor and dead-serious political advocacy. He ended his talk on a whimsical note, insisting that the Democrats' platform for 2006 should include the manufacture of a dark chocolate-covered Almond Joy bar so we could enjoy both the almonds of the Almond Joy and the dark chocolate of the Mounds bar. A good idea, and probably more likely to happen than universal health care, a balanced budget, and an end to the war in Iraq. [NOTE: There was a dark chocolate Almond Joy produced in 2004 or 2005 as a limited edition, and a few bars are still available...check on eBay.]

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