Saturday, April 02, 2005

Monday Madness

Catching up with the a recent diversion from Monday Madness. Fill out this survey in your own blog, and leave a comment at Monday Madness. (Scroll down if you want to see my answers.)

How Many........
1. gadgets do you own?
2. on your living room walls?
3. ...magnets on your refrigerator?
4. ...reference books in your bookshelves?
5. ...boxes of cereal in your cupboards?
6. ...lamps in your house?
7. ...times a week do you shop for groceries?
8. ...magazines do you subscribe to?
9. programs do you watch on a regular basis?
10. ...items on your bathroom counter that don't really need to be there?

How Many........
1. gadgets do you own?
More than a dozen. Lots more than dozen.
2. on your living room walls?
Just one (an oil painting by a Russian I met at a crafts fair).
3. ...magnets on your refrigerator?
None. It's stainless steel refrigerator door, and therefore not magnetic.
4. ...reference books in your bookshelves?
Well over 100. Perhaps more than 200 if you count my gardening and crafts reference books and Zorg's reference books. Argggh.
5. ...boxes of cereal in your cupboards?
Eight, but that includes hot cereals like grits and Zoom.
6. ...lamps in your house?
Eleven; fourteen if you include nightlights.
7. ...times a week do you shop for groceries?
Three. I'd prefer to do it every day, the way I did when I lived in Italy.
8. ...magazines do you subscribe to?
Ten or 12.
9. programs do you watch on a regular basis?
Hmmmm. On a regular basis? Two. And those are via TiVO.
10. ...items on your bathroom counter that don't really need to be there?
None. I am really aggressive about counter clutter. Keep stuff in the cabinets!

1 comment:

  1. I would post my own answers, but seeing as how mi casa es su casa, they would all be the same! And I hate redundancy. That bears repeating - I hate redundancy!
